Reprints Title # HB-20713

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Available Reprints / Editions

Binding Description Dimensions Preview (PDF) Estimated Price How to Buy
Soft Cover
Edition Information:

Title ID: 7752
Edition ID: 7901
Title: איל משולש - תקצ"ד
Date Created: 2012-02-20 16:01:24
Page Count: 80
Edition Type: Standard Reprint

Item Information:

Item ID: 23270
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Date Created: 2012-02-20 23:56:36

6" x 9" $4.99
Hard Cover
Edition Information:

Title ID: 7752
Edition ID: 7901
Title: איל משולש - תקצ"ד
Date Created: 2012-02-20 16:01:24
Page Count: 80
Edition Type: Standard Reprint

Item Information:

Item ID: 23271
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
Date Created: 2012-02-20 23:57:32

6" x 9" $13.99

Book Information

Original title image
שם הספר: איל משולש
שם המחבר: אליהו בן שלמה זלמן (הגר"א)
Original Title: Ail Mishulash Gra
Original Author: Eliyahu bar Shlomo Zalman haGra
Publication Year: 5594
Main Title: איל משולש - תקצ"ד
Dimensions: 5.97" x 7.6"
Page Count: 80

More details including a free download of this book is available at the original archive (

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